This page shows the count of keyups heard on Brandmeister talkgroups for the past 5 minutes.
To see a longer timeframe of 30 minutes, please use this page
This page refreshes every 6 seconds. Shortcut to 3105
DMR TalkGroup QSOs Heard in last 5 minutesTalkGroup Participants for 31656 last 15 min
19 262810Pegasus-Projekt
18 91World-wide
15 2685Algarve
14 2625Rheinland-Pfalz\/Saarland
13 27247XLX 925 D
13 262Deutschland
12 21460BM-CAT
12 28614T\u00fcrkiye Bolu
12 268913PT DMR<>C4FM PT
11 310997
11 930PanHellenic Chat
10 26285Oberbayern
10 214Spain
10 31480TX Chat
9 73203Colombia Digi-Link
7 222Italia
6 26231NI Mitte
6 93North America
5 204Nederland
5 25511OdesaRadioLink
5 730Chile
3 5153Cluzon
3 2351Chat 1
3 31078PAPA Bridge
3 22221Lombardia
3 3100USA Bridge
3 3155Wisconsin - 10 Minute Limit
3 22232Trentino Alto Adige
3 21425Provincial Lleida
3 21428Provincial Madrid
2 21446Provincial Valencia
2 2142Regional EA2
2 260Poland
2 21433Provincial Asturias
2 21448Provincial Bizkaia
2 220Serbia
2 31444Rhode Island Digital Link
2 2501Russia Global
2 286T\u00fcrkiye
2 22201Lazio
2 2503DSTAR-SU \/ 24009 (WIRES-X)
2 310997Parrot
2 31002Net Talkgroup 2
2 26375Bodensee-Oberschwaben
2 31201BYRG
2 7301CE1
2 98006AMSAT
2 232Austria
1 2066Belgium OnDemand 6
1 2621Berlin\/Brandenburg
1 920DL, OE, HB9
1 2285Aargau \/ Zentralschweiz
1 214012Galicia
1 910German
1 425Israel
1 46001National Multi mode
1 28645T\u00fcrkiye Manisa
1 2280Schweiz Deutsch
1 655South Africa
1 31292STL Metro
1 228Switzerland
1 21419Provincial Guadalajara
1 21421Provincial Huelva
1 21424Provincial Leon
1 732Rep\u00fablica de Colombia
THis list is now in order of heard from top down
Repeats allowed