This page shows the count of keyups heard on Brandmeister talkgroups for the past 5 minutes.
To see a longer timeframe of 30 minutes, please use this page
This page refreshes every 6 seconds. Shortcut to 3105
DMR TalkGroup QSOs Heard in last 5 minutesTalkGroup Participants for 22221 last 15 min
22 91World-wide
17 7229Argentina Room
14 2066Belgium OnDemand 6
14 26285Oberbayern
14 21439Provincial Cantabria
13 214Spain
12 22291Sicilia
9 3100USA Bridge
9 268912PT DMR<>DSTAR
7 21421Provincial Huelva
7 260Poland
7 73203Colombia Digi-Link
7 222Italia
6 98977
6 724Brazil Nacional
6 27247XLX 925 D
4 262810Pegasus-Projekt
4 2147Regional EA7
4 2407Regional SM7
4 31399Ohio-Link-YSF
4 22221Lombardia
4 31360NY-NJ-PA TriState
3 730Chile
3 26355Agfaa
3 2067Belgium OnDemand 7
3 22212Piemonte
3 31078PAPA Bridge
3 9990Parrot - Private Call ONLY
3 21433Provincial Asturias
3 22202Sardegna
3 2350United Kingdom
3 3146South Dakota - 10 Minute Limit
3 286T\u00fcrkiye
2 31268UP of Michigan
2 2329Vorarlberg
2 268Portugal
2 310997
2 722Argentina
2 262Deutschland
2 9990
2 2328Kaernten
2 26231NI Mitte
2 20432Noord-Brabant
1 93North America
1 31134North Georgia
1 219Croatia
1 46001National Multi mode
1 3141Oregon - 10 Minute Limit
1 930PanHellenic Chat
1 31666DMR of Anarchy
1 22241Emilia Romagna
1 92Europe
1 214012Galicia
1 7227Argentina Link
1 26225AFU-Nord
1 7221Amba
1 21460BM-CAT
1 21411Provincial C\u00e1diz
1 732Rep\u00fablica de Colombia
1 31511Richmond Metro
1 21428Provincial Madrid
1 21413Provincial Ciudad Real
1 31600USA - Area 0
1 3148Texas - 10 Minute Limit
1 2286Ticino
1 255Ukraine
1 31482South Texas
1 31066SoCal
THis list is now in order of heard from top down
Repeats allowed
22222521/15/2025 1:23:39 PMIK2UIZ
22286761/15/2025 1:20:27 PMIZ8TPV
22249661/15/2025 1:20:48 PMIW2KGL
22226031/15/2025 1:21:51 PMIU2DLC
22222521/15/2025 1:18:09 PMIK2UIZ
22222521/15/2025 1:18:30 PMIK2UIZ
22275481/15/2025 1:19:20 PMIK2XRL
22316131/15/2025 1:19:20 PMIU2TZO
22286761/15/2025 1:15:25 PMIZ8TPV
22249661/15/2025 1:15:25 PMIW2KGL
22249661/15/2025 1:16:03 PMIW2KGL
22286761/15/2025 1:16:20 PMIZ8TPV
22249661/15/2025 1:16:20 PMIW2KGL
22222521/15/2025 1:16:20 PMIK2UIZ
22249661/15/2025 1:14:14 PMIW2KGL
22249661/15/2025 1:14:14 PMIW2KGL
22281741/15/2025 1:14:31 PMIK8SOL
22295771/15/2025 1:14:48 PMIZ3WXK
22249661/15/2025 1:15:04 PMIW2KGL
22222521/15/2025 1:11:19 PMIK2UIZ
22286761/15/2025 1:11:39 PMIZ8TPV
22286761/15/2025 1:12:55 PMIZ8TPV
22286761/15/2025 1:10:16 PMIZ8TPV
22246781/15/2025 1:10:16 PMIU2MCH